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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lose Weight With Popcorn! Why You Should Munch on Popcorn Instead of Potato Chips

Is it true that you can lose weight even when you eat? Sometimes, it is not about the quantity of what you eat. It is the food that you eat.

There was a small study conducted by Dr. James Rippe of the Rippe Lifestyle Institute. He discovered that eating popcorn at the start of the meal would not add to the total intake of calories at that meal as compares to eating potato chips, which will increase total calorie intake by 12%. Here are the results of the study that involved thirty-five people. Their ages ranged from twenty to fifty. The food they ate was tracked. They were divided into groups:

Water only before lunch
One cup of popcorn before lunch
Six cups of popcorn before lunch
One cup of potato chips before lunch

Each of the participants was permitted to eat as much of the meal as they desired.

The outcome showed that in the first three groups, the total calorie intake was constant; averaging to seven hundred and seventeen calories, but the fourth group presented a higher intake of twelve percent with an extra of eighty-six calories. It is significant to take note that popcorn did not diminish the appetite, but it does present to be a better snack than potato chips.

In order to lose more weight, you may also want to add exercise in your fitness regimen. Walking is a good form of exercise. You may do this even when you are at work. There are a lot of cardio workouts that you can choose from. If you are into sports, you may try swimming, volleyball, basketball or football. Or you may also want to dance to burn the fat away. Try belly dancing or hip-hop abs.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Do this with Oprah's Dynamic Duo of Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse by Clicking Here Now!

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What Dr Perricone Recommends - The Top 10 Super Foods

There are a lot of super foods that are available in the market. It is a given fact that every vivid colored fruit and vegetable fits this description. These are the ten top super foods that are recommended by Dr Perricone. They are being endorsed because of their association with the Brain-Beauty connection.

These foods are rich in antioxidants, fiber or essential fatty acids. Some of them even regulate blood sugar levels which is tremendously vital for people who are apprehensive with the prevention of diabetes, slowing of aging process, obesity, wrinkles, and a lot of other diseases.

Acai berry--It contains a lot of antioxidants which is helpful in combating the signs of premature aging. It is packed with ten times more antioxidants than that of the red grapes. It also contains a synergy of monounsaturated fats, phytosterols and dietary fiber that helps promote digestive and cardiovascular health.

Allium Family--Onions, leek, garlic and chives have flavonoids that encourage the production of glutathione. Glutathione enhances the eradication of carcinogens and toxins. This is the reason why it can prevent cancer, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of blood clots.

Barley--This is a low-glycemic grain. It promotes a healthy digestive tract.

Beans and lentils--Beans are good sources of potassium, which may help reduce the risk of stroke and high blood pressure. Dry beans are a good source of folic acid, which protect you against heart diseases by breaking down amino acid called homocysteine. Lentils on the other hand are high in protein and low in fat.

Buckwheat--It has a relative proportion of amino acids and has the capacity to lessen and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Green foods--They have positive effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, immune response and cancer prevention.

Hot peppers--They contain capsaicinoids and have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-cancer properties.

Nuts and seeds--They decrease your risk against cancer, diabetes, heart diseases and can control your weight.

Sprouts--They are good sources of protein and vitamin C.

Yogurt and Kefir--They promote optimal health.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Do this with Oprah's Dynamic Duo of Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse by Clicking Here Now!

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Permanent Weight Loss - 3 Hidden Health Tips That Will Change Your Life

You Need A Life Time Solution

Many of the popular fad diets that promise you overnight results, such as the liquid shakes or the diets that restrict you from eating from certain food groups, are very risky and unhealthy since they lack the nutrition that our body requires. Our bodies were made to function on a well balanced diet (that is made up of all the different food groups) and without a well balanced diet, our bodies won't function properly. Losing weight the right and permanent way also means getting regular exercise to keep our blood flow, muscles, and metabolism working properly, which when all working together contributes to our permanent weight loss. In this article we will list 3 powerful tips that will contribute to your permanent weight loss.

Tip #1 Making Better Health Your Goal

True weight loss, when done correctly has more to do with making health your goal than it does with weight loss. When we concentrate more on having a healthy lifestyle as our goal we are more likely to succeed in improving our over all health as well as achieving our permanent weight loss goal. One of the keys to permanent weight loss is avoiding the temptation to drop too many pounds too quickly.

Instead of being too excited about the pounds coming off so fast, our goal should be to be more excited about the self control and the permanent weight loss knowledge we have, realizing that the number one reason why people loss weight and gain it all back is because they did it too quickly.

Focus more on enjoying the slower controlled experience, and your new healthier life style. Sure, you could drop the weight a lot faster, but doing it this way will ensure that you will keep the weight off for good

Tip #2 Exercise Should Be Fun

Exercise helps to control our weight by burning excess calories that would otherwise be stored as fat. Everything we eat contains calories, and every activity we do burns calories.

Not only is regular exercise an important part of permanent weight loss and weight maintenance, It also helps prevent diseases and improves our overall health. It doesn't matter what type of physical activity you perform, be it sports, walking, exercising, yard work, household chores, or work-related tasks--all are beneficial.

Tip #3 Natural Fat burners

Green Tea Extract, Hoodia Gordonii, and Chitosan are 3 natural fat burners that work very well together to burn fat, give you more energy, and will permanently keep the weight off.

Bonus Tip: We've Already Done All The Research For You: After evaluating hundreds of diet products, we've chosen our top 10 based on safeness, reliability,and long term effectiveness Our #1 pick is Tri Slim(Out Of The Top Ten)

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What's free: Your Free Bottle Of Tri Slim And also get your free book report entitled "The Top 10 Diet Myths Exposed" In fact all 10 reviewed products are free to you.

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