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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Developing Weight Loss Motivation

Motivation plays a very significant role in the successful completion of any uphill task that we take up in our life. It acts as the booster to help us carry on when the going gets really tough. Motivation levels keep on fluctuating as it may seem to be skyrocketing one day or going below the grave on the other. Weight loss is considered to be one such job where if you lack motivation then you are certain to fail. The motivation level often changes with our feelings. For instance, if you wake up in the morning feeling really down then it is sure that you are going to give your workouts a miss, but if you feel great after waking up then two extra sets of push seems to be a joyride. This is the difference that the motivation level can make! Hence, it is very important that one creates a system through which the weight loss motivation can be maintained. Developing weight loss motivation will give a complete new twist to the way you approach your workout sessions or the foods that you eat.

The motivation levels are already at a high when you decide that you are going to lose weight by following a particular exercise or diet plan. As the days pass the motivation levels keep going down and finally when it completely gets eliminated, you come back to your old unhealthy lifestyle. In order to maintain the level of motivation you can try out the following development procedure tips:

a) Accept what you are: Accepting what you are is the most important thing in developing a high weight loss motivation level. People often tend to make the mistake of following the looks that are presented in the visual and print media. Make one thing clear to yourself: It is not possible to get a Brad Pitt like body overnight. You have to work hared for the same and the whole process would be time consuming. So you must have the patience for dealing with these types of feelings. You need to hit yourself with the reality that it is not possible to look as handsome as Johnny Depp or as beautiful as Kierra Knightly, but you definitely can look like a fit "You". Tell yourself that you have to get the best out of your body; you need to look slimmer and feel good. This is the reason why you have been working so hard. "Love thyself" is the mantra to up the ante against your ugly looking body fat.

b) Gather all the positives: This is the second phase for developing weight loss motivation. Here you need to focus on your positives and look at the brighter side of the weight loss program. Find out all your good points and even better if you can note down the same. This will do a world of good to your self esteem and you are going to enjoy your body and looks like never before.

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Breaking News: the Quickest Way to Burn Fat

Gaining weight is much easier than losing it, which is why we have a multi-million dollar weight loss industry. Unfortunately, most of the weight loss products and diets that are available in the market are ineffective. They may promise to be the quickest way to burn fat, but most of these are just empty promises. Sipping a special tea, going on an ultra low carb diet, wearing a fat loss belt, or using a home sauna is not going to make you burn fat.

If this is true, then what's the quickest way to burn fat? There are no shortcuts to burning fat, and this is the first thing that you need to learn. You will need more than a quick fix to get rid of all that unwanted fat that took you years to put it on. The best way to trim the fat is exercise and proper nutrition.

There is no shortcut to fat loss. There are definitely many diets that will help you to lose weight quickly initially. However, such plans, which claim to be the fastest way to cut fat, do not work in the long run, and there are a number of reasons for it.

First, a majority of these plans are very impractical. For instance, can you actually follow a diet of just fresh fruit and water for a long period of time? Either your body or mind will give way or you'll be back where you started. Such diet plans put your body into starvation mode, in addition to being unhealthy.

Your body begins to store fat so as to safeguard itself from further starvation when it is continuously deprived of sufficient food. So, your body begins to store more fat than ever when you start eating properly again. You also lose lean muscle with these fad diets, which claim to be the quickest way to burn fat. Why is that a bad thing? Well, muscles play an important role in fat loss. The more lean muscle you have, the higher is your body's metabolic rate. If you have a higher metabolic rate, you can burn fat more efficiently.

This brings me back to what I said earlier in this article. Proper nutrition and exercise is the quickest way to burn fat.
Your desire to burn fat is fruitless unless you get these two elements right.

The most important aspect in any weight loss plan is proper nutrition. Eating right is perhaps the best way to lose fat.

Proper nutrition can in fact contribute almost 80% to 90% towards your weight loss goals. Exercise is the other equally important element that contributes to burning fat. Combining high intensity cardio and weight training is the quickest way to burn fat. If truly want spectacular results, you cannot afford to skip your workouts.

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Tools For Dieting and Weight Loss to Help You Succeed

Tools for dieting and weight loss are a great way to assist your efforts at achieving your ideal weight. Having a tool kit around that you can go to when you need help here is a great way to keep you going.

Nutritionists and others who are professionals in the weight loss industry have a whole warehouse full of tools, tips, and tricks. These tools are research-based and we know that they work.

Without a set of tools to help you succeed in your weight loss goals, you could go on and on for months and not lose that kind of weight that you want to. It is hard to find a single book that contains all of the most helpful and effective tools. Most books are presenting a certain dieting approach that has some good and some bad to it. However, every approach will have one or two helpful pieces.

Understanding that the most reasonable goal to have is to lose a pound a week is a very important tool. Knowing this truth can put your dieting in perspective and help you set goals. Though some people may be able to lose more without creating health risks, it's always good to be careful with your body. Many people who try to lose more than a pound a week are likely to use extreme dieting techniques in order to achieve their lofty goal. In their desperation, they may diet and unhealthy ways.

Here are two more weight-loss tools that are fundamental to losing weight while remaining healthy. These are two dieting foundations. You must understand them if you want to achieve success. Any diet that is effective and healthy must in some way follow these two principles. First, our bodies have certain nutrient requirements. We must consume a certain amount of carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals, each day in order to remain healthy. A good way to start a diet is to establish what three meals you need to eat every day, including all the food you need to get proper nutrition. Once you've established an eating plan that is healthy, then count up the calories in that diet. Second, you need to develop an exercise plan that will allow you to burn more calories than what you take in on the healthy diet you just established. Most people go about this backwards. They set a calorie limit each day and then they tried it be food without going over that calorie limit. That's dangerous. First establish what you need, then establish an exercise plan to burn more calories than what you will take in.

This is the basics of it. There is really no way to make it any simpler than this. What you take in must be burned off, and then some, if you want to lose weight. Furthermore, what you take in must be part of a healthy diet.

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Special Dieting Tips For You

Here are some special dieting tips for you just in case the popular programs out there are not for you. Most of the famous weight loss programs are very expensive and require excessive time commitments. If your schedule does not match with the schedule of these programs in your local area, then you will enjoy these helpful to us.

Drink plenty of water

There are countless numbers of weight loss programs out there. Each of these programs are pushing a different approach, their own secret, to achieving weight loss. But if you examine all these diets all of them will most likely have one thing in common. That is, they all recommend drinking plenty of water each day.

Here is a helpful trick to ensure that you get enough water each day. Since most experts recommend drinking eight glasses of water each day, purchase for yourself a 64 ounce water bottle. Fill it up with water at the beginning of each day and carry it around with you wherever you go. Simply make sure that the bottle is empty before you go to bed that night.

Eat often

Another dieting tip is to spread your meals out. First identify how much you need to eat at a minimum each day in order to be healthy. You don't want any dieting program to be unhealthy for you. Next, portion your daily allotted amount of food into small meals that you can eat every three hours from the moment you wake up. This is the three-hour dieting tip. By eating every three hours, you'll be less hungry throughout the day, and you will snack less.

Be careful weighing yourself

Many diets come to an end because of the way that people weigh themselves. Many methods of weighing yourself can actually lead to you being discouraged and frustrated. This could cause you to quit your diet. The correct way to weigh yourself is to do so no more than once a week. You need to be more interested in the long-term results not the short-term results. If you weigh yourself every day, you'll see your weight fluctuate up and down. You could become very discouraged on the day it goes up and be tempted to be careless that day or it just simply quit. Weighing yourself on a weekly basis is more likely to show consistent weight loss. This will be extremely motivating to you.

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