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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Putting Together a Fitness Workout Program

The effect of fitness workout program to weight loss endeavor is dual facet. On one hand, it can help you to overcome the plateau effect of dieting, as the body usually adapts to the lower calorie intake by lowering its consumption and therefore makes dieting less effective. On the other hand, fitness program along can help you lose extra body fat the natural way.

Obviously, a fitness program that works for one person may not work for another. Not everyone has the same build and health condition, so you need to first check out your fitness level. You can consult your doctor for a recommendation on the type of exercise that best suit you as well as some warnings against possible injuries. In case you do not have any special medical conditions, you may also consult a fitness coach in the gym or simply purchase a reputable fitness program and follow through. Either way, you need to gather ideas and put up a custom exercise plan that is both safe and effective for you.

So, what makes a good workout plan?

1. Your plan has to be realistic so that you can stick with it for a long term. There is no point in exercising your butt off if you are only going to do it for a few weeks - you will eventually gain all the weight back and more this way.

2. A good exercise plan should be progressive. Keep a record of what you did in each workout and how your body reacted to the training, and try to improve upon the structure. You may also like to take down every little achievements you have made and keep yourself motivated all the time.

3. A good fitness program should consist of varied forms of exercises to maintain your top interest level. For example, you can start each workout by doing a 30-minute cardio-exercise, such as walking, jogging, running, cycling and aerobics. This will warm up your body for more intense physical activities. You may then spend another 30 minutes with strength training, such as weight lifting, crunches, sit-ups, etc. When you finish, you can cool down yourself with some stretches or de-stressing exercises. According to fitness experts, this type of exercise can give you enormous benefits both physically and emotionally.

Aside from fitness workout program itself, there are are a few other things you can do to maximize results. For instance, you can try to find an exercise buddy so that you can encourage each other and have more fun with the exercise. You may also get creative and come up with variations of your version of exercises and rotate amongst them to keep your highest interest level.

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Three Obstacles to Weight Loss and How to Deal With Them

The theory behind losing weight is actually not that difficult. The problem is, many people aren't able to keep the weight off long term. Here are some things that can ruin a diet plan, and how you can deal with them.

1. Watch For Hidden calories

You've followed your diet plan, you've counted calories, and you've weighed yourself on a daily basis, but the weight is not coming off. Why not?

You could be overlooking some foods that are loaded with calories, such as butter, cooking oils, sugar and salad dressing. This adds up fast!

I remember my great grandmother told me that she got up 250 pounds when she worked in a hospital kitchen. She said she didn't eat huge meals, but she would nibble at food all day long.

Make sure to measure all of your foods

2. Don't Have a Mentality of "All or Nothing"

It can be a pain to track all the calories you consume, and it is very tempting to eventually just throw in the towel. Perhaps you couldn't help but splurge on a pizza or something, or maybe you forgot to track your caloric intake for a day or two. Don't give up!

Be sure to take a long term view of things. If you slack off on one day, cut back the next day, or exercise harder. Don't make this a habit, but don't beat yourself up either.

3. Don't Get Overconfident

Sometimes you face the biggest challenge when things are going well. Why? Because you start to think that you can go back to your old lifestyle and not suffer any consequences. The problem is, bad habits will eventually creep back in, and before you know it, you'll be back to your old weight (and pants size). Stay focused!

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