How to Lose Weight? A Permanent Question
We live in a society where people are evaluated by the way they look. And the rising number of voices shouting that what really counts, are inner values, cannot really influence this circumstance. And this is mainly because it would be against the human nature. People are meant to see things at the very beginning and therefore the first thought is always connected with what have been registered by the eyes. And yes, it's unfair, trivial and discriminating, but this is how it is. It's hard to say if one day the human reception will change but this would certainly need a change in the subconscious reactions that are rather not to control.
This means a challenge for every member of the society as the appearance matters more than people would like. And under this circumstance it's not a wonder that dieting has become a major issue in the modern world. If the first evaluation is a superficial one, people with visible overweight are handicapped from the very beginning. Even the term "overweight" emphasizes that this is above "being normal" and how many people do you know who really don't care if others see them as "not normal"? Everyone wishes to belong to a group and everyone desires to be accepted and acknowledged by others. Who has never experienced a kind of social isolation, hardly understands what tragedy people with "not normal" features can go through. But this should be always recalled.
The good news - of course good in a relative sense - is that nowadays hardly anyone doesn't have trouble with weight. This is the mark of a modern society where on the one hand the perception is dominated by permanent mass media broadcasts of ideal looking people, on the other hand life has become to comfortable and comfortability doesn't contribute to a healthy lifestyle. People feel overweight because either they compare themselves to the broadcasted pictures or they lead a life of maximum well-being and minimum movement. In both cases you can hear statements that one is a couple of ponds overweight. Only a few don't say that about themselves.
But of course, everything is relative and it's a big difference if we are talking about 5 or 50 pounds overweight. In the first case this is almost nothing to worry about in terms of social issues. It's rather a question of self-acceptance as the society shouldn't be able to notice this kind of overweight. In the second case it looks differently and the overweight visibility is here much more probable. But for both the problem of controlling the weight might be the same issue.
So what can be done to start controlling the weight?
As always there is no clear reply to this question but there are 5 rules that seem to be applicable for the most cases:
- Everything starts in the head. You have probably heard this hundreds of time but it doesn't help you because the hardest thing on earth is to control your own thinking. And it's true, it's very difficult but not impossible. It needs a lot of practice to start using your thoughts for the right reason and no one expect you to change this overnight. But one day the acceptance should finally come: The path to controlling weight leads through your mind. The longer you allow your thoughts to control your feelings and acting, the longer you won't be able to control your problems like overweight. There is no way around this point. The idea of "normal" appearance and the desire to change your weight start and should be always kept in your head.
- Decision making. No offence but the reason why you can hardly control your weight is that you have decided not to do this. If you had really decided to take control over your weight, you wouldn't be reading this. And we are talking about a real decision - a decision obligating you to a consequent fight and struggle. This kind of decision is only made once and there is no retreat then. If you take a setback in consideration, this means that you haven't made a real decision.
- It's the habits, stupid! Every thought and decision must be strengthened by clear and targeted acting. Changes come from changed behaviour. If your current lifestyle hasn't helped you controlling your weight yet, you need to change it. But the fight with your habits is the toughest of all and there is one thing to remember: A human mind is not willing to give up a habit easily or at all, but it can be cheated by replacing an old habit with a new one.
- Born to be in move. People are not meant to be passive and to spend their lives at one at the same place. No matter what your starting point is - in the meaning of how many pounds overweight you've got - you need to move and seek for physical activity every day. You might be on a perfect diet but a diet without moving your body is only a joke. The fat disturbing you is a part of your body. You cannot get rid off it but you can start using it.
- Stubborn as a donkey. People can be extremely stubborn when they fight for their rights but the moment they need to expect and force something from themselves, they become week and unwilling. Suddenly everything is forgotten and one turns out to be the greatest enemy of oneself. But the contrary should be the case. Only through consequence and stubbornness the impossible can be made possible.
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