How to Burn Belly Fat Fast? 3 Tips You Can Use Today
Want to know how to burn belly fat fast? To do this you have to choose the RIGHT exercises.
This makes a HUGE difference
Why are some workouts effective for some people and not others? Here's the reason:
At a certain point WHICH exercises you choose will make or break you progress. This isn't as important if you are extremely out of shape-practically anything you try will work.
But the improvements will run out
That is the very reason for some people crunches seem to do wonders but for others they do almost nothing.
Crunches, situps, and jogging-all the "conventional" activities-- are NOT even close to the best workout for losing stomach flab. But for some people they do work at first.
Once they reach a certain point their gains will stop. At this point their exercise selection will make or break them.
This is why following the "standard" advice on "burn belly fat fast" does in fact seem to work for a small percentage but NOT for most people.
So if you are in the 2nd camp-where you've tried all the "conventional" advice and it hasn't worked-that's the reason. Here are 2 very "unconventional" tips that flat out work:
#1) Resistance training is KEY
This is one of the reasons jogging, situps and crunches are not that effective. VIGOROUS resistance training is the key for generating the HIGHEST metabolic response possible--nothing else comes close.
#2) Don't train HARD-train SMART
Focus on spending LESS time in the gym-and getting more done while there. Brief but incredibly intense workouts are FAR superior to the long and lazy sessions most people do at the gym.
#3) Watch your diet
Don't fall prey to one of those ridiculously restrictive diets that cuts out all of a certain nutrient. Your body needs nutrition-yes even fat-to gets results.
So avoid incredibly restrictive diets. Eating a well balanced diet of whole foods---especially fruit and vegetables-is how to burn belly fat fast.
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