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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Melt Belly Fat Faster and Easier With Nutrient Timing

Did you know that you can melt belly fat faster and easier by changing the time of day you eat certain foods? Did you know that when you work with your body's natural energy cycles your body metabolizes fat more efficiently? The problem with dieting is that we are often fighting against what our body wants and needs but with nutrient timing you work with your body and the weight drops off easier. Curious to see if this could work for you? Then I encourage you to take the next 2 minutes to read this article.

Melt Belly Fat Faster

Fat burns faster and food is converted to energy easier when your metabolism is high. Each day your metabolism rises and falls. By feeding your body "energy-rich" foods when your metabolism is on the upswing you burn calories and fat more efficiently. This is the basis of nutrient timing.

Carbohydrates are very energy-rich foods because they can quickly be broken down in your body and because of this you want to eat them when your metabolism is on the upswing and this is typically soon after you get out of bed in the morning until around lunchtime. By eating carbs at this time you keep your metabolism going and you burn those carbohydrate calories easily.

Then as your afternoon progresses and you move into evening your metabolism starts a slow and steady decline as you prepare for a night of sleep. When you eat energy-rich carbs at this time of the day your body is more likely to store them as belly and body fat because it does not need them right away.

To practice nutrient timing to get the fat burning off your stomach you want to finish eating carbs by mid day and then move away from them and fill your stomach with foods like lean proteins, vegetables and good fats as you move into the evening.

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