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Thursday, January 22, 2009

How to Start Losing Weight - Start Losing Weight Immediately

So it's a new year and this time you're going to do it right, this time you'll figure out how to start losing weight and you'll keep it off for good. I have good news, this article will teach you about the best way to start losing weight immediately, more importantly permanently. Were you aware of a new diet that actually has you burning fat by eating? It's no joke either, this diet has become the hottest new diet to come out in years and its only growing.

So What's the Secret Diet?

It's called calorie shifting and in some ways calling it a diet isn't fair because you aren't starving yourself and you can still pretty much eat just about anything. The trick is when you are eating those foods, at what time. You see this is a very intelligent system of dieting where by you are eating foods when your body is likely to burn them off as fuel, its much more than this though. This diet causes something called metabolic confusion in the body where-by your metabolism reaches its maximum potential and remains there.

The Myth Behind Most Diets

You see what all the other diets fail to reveal to you is the fact that most diets do not work for one very important reason, adaptation. You see your body is constantly seeking out balance, when you eat a semi regular diet your body starts setting times of the day to turn on and off the metabolism. In fact when you start starving yourself as many diets have you do it actually backfires because your metabolism will drop to conserve calories, the instant you begin eating an increased amount of calories every day the pounds come back. This isn't true for calorie shifting however, in fact it's the opposite where by people actually keep losing weight because it trains your metabolism to burn fat from eating and at a higher level throughout the day.

Calorie shifting is the ideal diet.

Eat to burn fat instead of starving yourself, keep burning fat when you stop the diet and no rebound effect but permanent results!

For a FREE Calorie Shifting Meal Plan go to, Find out Why Calorie Shifting gets better results than any other diet!

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Help to Lose Weight - Help With Losing Lots of Weight Permanently

Do you need help to lose weight? Are you aware that a new diet exists that helps you to burn fat and drops pounds of weight by eating! Yes its absolutely true and the best part is this is no fad or hyped up diet but the truth, it has become one of the best ways to lose lots of weight permanently.

So what is it?

It's called calorie shifting and what it involves as I've mentioned is eating to lose weight. It works by not letting your body become comfortable with a regular diet. You see your body can adapt very quickly to your diet regardless of whether its low calorie or not your body will adapt and your metabolism will shut off. However when you are constantly changing the types of foods you are eating using the calorie shifting method it effectively causes your body to go into a metabolic confusion where it doesn't know when to stop burning fat. As a result you will often find people who stop calorie shifting after reaching a goal of losing 15 pounds for instance, only to find they keep losing weight even when they stop.

So it must be hard to do right?

Nope not at all, in fact this just might be the easiest diet you can ever follow for these reasons:

1. You don't have to starve yourself, instead you get to eat so you can burn more fat.

2. It doesn't require any kind of massive commitment to achieve very good results.

3. There are software programs to help you better keep organized and let you know exactly what to eat from day to day so you don't even have to think about it.

When all is said and done calorie shifting is by far the most effective way for anyone to lose weight because it doesn't feel like a diet and it works within the rules of the real world. Meaning those who plan to eat like a normal person when they finish the diet can and will continue to burn fat.

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Getting a Thin Body - How to Get a Thin Body Size

So how do you get a thin body anyway? I'm sure you're frustrated with diets that fail, workout programs that just don't feel realistic and supplements that don't seem to have any effect. Weight loss is a complex issue and the biggest factor people don't take into account is that everyone is different and people are overweight for different reasons, so its hard to say any one thing will work for everyone. There is however a new diet that has evolved over the past couple of years which has gained a lot of attention due to its great effectiveness in helping people lose weight.

It's Called Calorie Shifting

So how is this going to help you get a thin body? Well calorie does what no other diet can claim to do, it stimulates your metabolism and helps you lose weight through eating food. Plus when you decide to stop doing it you actually continue to lose weight, unlike every other diet out there which has people experiencing what is known as a rebound effect where they put the weight right back on.

How does it work?

Essentially what you do is eat different types of calories from day to day. For instance one day you might be consuming a fair bit of fat and the next you may eat a lot of protein. What this does is cause metabolic confusion which is a good thing. You see your body adapts to diets very quickly and once it does your metabolism plummets. However with calorie shifting your body is never ready to rest because it isn't able to adapt, this forces the metabolism to constantly stay on alert and active at all times. It is for this reason as well that when you decide to stop calorie shifting the 15 pounds you lost are gone and you'll continue to burn fat because it is stimulated through eating.

Is it hard?

For those who want it even easier there are software programs that tell you exactly what to eat from day to day, so calorie shifting literally becomes the easiest and most effective diet around.

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