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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lose Weight With Popcorn! Why You Should Munch on Popcorn Instead of Potato Chips

Is it true that you can lose weight even when you eat? Sometimes, it is not about the quantity of what you eat. It is the food that you eat.

There was a small study conducted by Dr. James Rippe of the Rippe Lifestyle Institute. He discovered that eating popcorn at the start of the meal would not add to the total intake of calories at that meal as compares to eating potato chips, which will increase total calorie intake by 12%. Here are the results of the study that involved thirty-five people. Their ages ranged from twenty to fifty. The food they ate was tracked. They were divided into groups:

Water only before lunch
One cup of popcorn before lunch
Six cups of popcorn before lunch
One cup of potato chips before lunch

Each of the participants was permitted to eat as much of the meal as they desired.

The outcome showed that in the first three groups, the total calorie intake was constant; averaging to seven hundred and seventeen calories, but the fourth group presented a higher intake of twelve percent with an extra of eighty-six calories. It is significant to take note that popcorn did not diminish the appetite, but it does present to be a better snack than potato chips.

In order to lose more weight, you may also want to add exercise in your fitness regimen. Walking is a good form of exercise. You may do this even when you are at work. There are a lot of cardio workouts that you can choose from. If you are into sports, you may try swimming, volleyball, basketball or football. Or you may also want to dance to burn the fat away. Try belly dancing or hip-hop abs.

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