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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Fit Potential - Develop Your Personal Fitness Goals With Focus (Part 1)

Write them down, without a written aim and journal to remind you, it's easy to forget how much or how you have overcome something. Writing helps you tap a source of power you forgot you had and earned! It's a choice. Let's start with the most basic mind/body skill for success: goal setting. I know, you've probably said to yourself "Well, I don't like to or need too." You know, we do this talking out to our self all the time if you think about it. It's really like that running "to do" list in our regular existence. For our purposes, please think about the goals you would you like to achieve.

One of the main purpose of goal setting is really to gain some direction and perspective. I want you to have directions. There are basically two types of goals: result goals and plan set goals. An example of result goal that I often hear is "I'm going to lose weight." The trouble with this goal is that it's vague. What will you do to lose weight? You don't know! So, what I tell clients is to write down their goals. This time, with descriptive and specific plan of actions.

On the other hand, there is also the mistake of making their results more specific. For example, the person might set a new goal: "I will lose 10 pounds in the next two weeks, and twenty pounds by the end of 90 days." This is more specific, but it's still not a plan set or action goal. A plan set goal tells you exactly what you need to do. When someone tells me they want to lose fat, I ask them, "Why?" They usually answer with "To look good or to be healthy." Now we're getting somewhere. To look better or good, the client must understand how his/her diet impacts her body. She will learn the importance of trimming carbohydrates and fat from her daily intake, and set goals to match. She will learn how to increase her physical activity. For example, the person might write down goals such as these:

"I'm going to limit myself to 45 grams of fat each day. That means I have to keep track of my fat intake, start buying leaner meat, add grilled fish to my diet, eat smaller portions of high fat foods, and substitute yogurt for ice cream."

"I will ride my bike around the park for thirty-five minutes every morning before work. If I miss my ride, I will go for a brisk walk in the afternoon."

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