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Friday, March 27, 2009

Weight Loss - 3 Ways to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Everyone appears to be obsessed with weight loss these days. There are those who have obviously thrown in the towel and don't give it a second thought, but for most of us it is top of mind a lot of the time. And the area that most people seem most concerned about is that spare tire around their mid section. Belly fat is uncomfortable, it's unattractive, and it's downright dangerous.

There are a whole host of problems that can stem from carrying around too much belly fat for too long. With that thought in mind, here are 3 ways to lose belly fat fast:

1) Work It Off - This is about as basic as it gets. When you think about our ancestors and the lifestyles they led, they rarely sat around like we do today. Their very survival depended on being active for most of the day, everyday. With modern conveniences and sedentary jobs, we probably don't move our bodies even a tenth of what we used to. If you schedule time in each day to move your body, and I mean move it in any way, you will lose belly fat. Your body is designed to move. If your everyday lifestyle doesn't make it move, you're going to have to pick up the slack.

2) Cut Your Intake- Just like moving your body will reduce belly fat, so will cutting your food intake. They actually kind of go hand in hand. If your lifestyle doesn't make you move, you simply don't need the same amount of calories as someone who does. If you don't want to move yourself, stop eating so much.

3) Confuse Your Metabolism - This is a relatively new concept whereby you trick your metabolism into working in overdrive. You don't have to move more and you don't have to eat less. All you have to do is follow an easy eating system and watch the pounds melt away.

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