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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Top 10 Tips to Losing the Extra Weight

There are many reasons to lose weight, and losing weight is not as hard you as think. Before you go on your weight loss campaign, you need to know exactly why you are doing so. Some people lose weight for the sake of others. Others want to look and feel good about themselves. Most people do it for their own health. Whatever the reason is, it is important to note that you have to do it for yourself for sustained long-term effects.

Here are the top 10 tips that I have found useful. Here goes!

1. Choose an activity that fits into your schedule. It can be swimming, jogging, or walking your dog.The main idea is to do it consistently. If you are unable to do it on a regular basis, you will start to lose interest in the long run.

2. Eat 5 meals of smaller portions instead of the regular 3 meals. This will increase your metabolism as your body is working to digest food all the time.

3. Eat calcium-rich foods. High-calcium diets favour burning than storing fats. However, your diet should be of low-fat as well. Stick to low-fat, high-calcium food sources such as milk, cheese and dark leafy vegetables.

4. Refrain from deep-frying your food. Choose to boil,steam, stew or make a soup. If you are stir-frying, use olive oil instead of cooking oil. Olive oil can significantly lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack as well.

5. Avoid watching TV while having dinner. Research has shown that those watching TV and dining at the same time tend to 'over-eat'.

6. Cut down on sugar. Less sugar for your coffee. Less sugar-coated donuts. Less coke. Less, less, less...

7. Eat slowly. The stomach will take some time to tell your brain that it has taken enough for the day. If you gulp down your food, you are probably over-eating. Have you have the instances when you over-eat and only realise it after a while? You feel bloated, swollen and just feel like throwing up even though you were OK minutes ago.

8. Take lots of vegetables and fruits. Snack on them instead of cookie bars or popcorn. Go easy on the salad dressing though. Salad dressings are usually high in fats and sugars.

9. Be active on the time. If you need a break from the computer, just do some stretching or walk around the office. Just move your butt!

10. Adopt a 'losing' mentality. By constantly reminding yourself of your purpose, you are getting closer to your goals each day. You will feel motivated and charged up each day.

Just remember to stay disciplined and you are on your way to lose those extra fats! Be a happy loser!
