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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Your Six Pack Quest - The Review

No nonsense 6 pack quest also known as "Your Six Pack Quest" is Vince Delmonte's new "Ab Shredding System". Vince is a world famous fitness coach and author, Vince Delmonte is known as the top "Skinny Guy" expert and has helped more skinny guys and girls defeat their muscle unfriendly genes without drugs and supplements. If you don not know him, Vince is a guy who never sugar coats the truth. Vince told me that his new system will give you the body you desire in 6 short months Guaranteed. Vince sent me a review copy of his program and I would like to share with you my review and opinion .So lets take a closer look at the no nonsense six pack quest.

The program focus on the main corner stones of any successful weight loss program: weight lifting, cardio and a clean diet. First I thought this is like any weight loss system these days so what is unique about it? After I went through the whole system I realized the uniqueness of the six pack quest program. The system is designed for you take just one step at a time. After you master it you move to the next step this applies to all different cornerstones weight training, cardio and diet. Of course you can take more than one step if you want. Another unique point is that there are different levels in the program starting from extremely overweight to the elite athlete level. The following is the list of the main point you will learn about in the system.

Why most people don't get six pack abs, Vince explains the main reasons behind that and the myths preventing most people from reaching this goal

How to get motivated? If you ever gone through a diet you will know that lack of motivation is the key factor for not reaching your goals. Vince explains his formula for continuous motivation.

Weigh training for fat loss is another corner stone in the system. Vince explains the importance of weight training in any fat loss program and that the lack of weight training is dangerous and causes a muscle loss. He also provides a different programs for different levels he has the 3 days ,4 days and the 5 days programs.

Cardio for fat loss is still an essential part in any fat loss program. Vince agrees with the term "long slow cardio is dead" and it is not the most efficient method. Vince introduces a unique efficient cardio structure that you can control according to your fitness level and time. He also reveals some research results that suggest that spot reduction is possible (but not miracle spot reduction to be clear) .These unique and new findings of the research are also integrated in the cardio plan.

Nutrition for fat loss no fat loss system is complete without it. This is a big topic but the system covers all the basics and details of a healthy fat loss diet. It provides you with a step by step action plan that you can follow till you achieve the perfect fat loss diet. You can apply just one step each week and still see results.

Supplements might have it is place sometimes. Vince has been always a firm believer that the supplements business is a scam (at least most of it). He is clear that supplements are not necessary in the same time he explains from his experience and research what can help and when it is needed.

The fat loss life style. In the end Vince concludes with a list of action steps to achieve a life style that helps and accelerates you fat loss quest.

I forgot to mention that a guy named Peter Carvell has lost 100 lbs in just six months using Vince's help and the same principles in the six pack quest program. I also forgot to tell you that you may win 1000$ from vince if use this system to transform your body in six months or less.

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