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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to Achieve Weight Loss by Dancing

How do you achieve weight loss by dancing? The same way I did.

Perhaps your like me. I LOVE to dance. When I was a kid I would dance to every piece of music that would come on. I would make my Mom and Dad sit through umpteen dances - and they weren't very good! But somehow, when I became an adult, I started to view being fit and healthy as a chore instead of as something fun. I put on my adult view of the world and decided that fitness must mean running or sit ups or something else boring (at least to me).

But somewhere along the way, I got my husband to take me out dancing - we took ballroom lessons, and I discovered that you can achieve weight loss by dancing. I have to admit that at first I was pretty winded and sore after dancing the first couple of times.

The amazing thing was, that I was dancing - which I love - and I was exercising - which I thought I hated. My stomach started getting flatter and I started getting stronger. All while having the time of my life.

You can lose weight dancing even if you don't dance well or if your significant other refuses to take you out dancing. The reason this works so well is dancing is so darn fun, it doesn't feel like exercise!

There three great ways to get started.

First, and this is my favorite because it's free, get your favorite jamming music from when you were a teenager. For me, that is Bon Jovi and all the big hair bands from the eighties (I'm showing my age). Put it on and start moving. You'll feel great. It will be a ton of fun and you'll be exercising. And here is a secret, regular physical activity is the best way to reset your metabolism to run like a thin persons.

My second favorite way is lessons. This costs a little bit more, but it doesn't have to be too expensive. Many YMCAs, senior center, singles groups, community organizations, and even bars offer dance lessons for very reasonable costs. You don't need a partner to go and you'll be learning something really fun. The added benefit to this method is that when you pay for something you are more likely to stick to it.

Third, get a dance lesson DVD. I have a really great one that has 10 minute increments on it. My kids even like it. I just pop it in and start moving.



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