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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Can I Lose Weight From Hula Hooping? The Answer and Reason

Of course you can, but the real question is for what reason? Obviously the full body movement that is required would help, but the primary reason hula hooping would be a good way to lose weight is because it's fun. When you enjoy doing something you're going to do it much more, this is common sense. But there is another, more subtle, reason that hula hooping will help you lose weight.

Stress is the biggest problem with our work towards weight loss. In fact, stress is what makes weight loss seem like work. We lose interest quickly when losing weight is hard, it's extremely unpleasant to stop eating some of your favorite foods, and working yourself into a frenzy at the gym is a shock to your body that is never fun to experience. So why go through this routine every time we want to lose weight? Is it just that we're creatures of habit? Are we unable to learn something new?

Strange as it may soon, trying something fun to lose weight is almost never really talked about. Having fun is a great way of improving your mood, your health, and your state of mind. Think about it, wouldn't it be nice to improve your level of happiness while you lose weight? Those of us who have tried to lose weight as a way to be happy know that it's always very short lived.

Why do you want to lose weight? Because you want to enjoy life a little bit more. Try enjoying life a bit more and losing weight will follow. Stress does horrific things to the body (including raising levels of cortisol which increases fat production in the body) and remembering how to have fun is the key to losing weight properly.

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