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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bust Your Excuses to Achieve Amazing Results!

Before we can get stuck into achieving our health and fitness goals, we need to stop making excuses. We need to accept that we are in control of our actions: everything we do (or don't do) will either take us a step closer to our goals, or a step further away.

We need to be realistic about where we are now, and why. If you are overweight, it is because the calorie balance has been going the wrong way for an extended period of time and you need to change things to get it going the other way. If you blame your genes or lack of time or any other 'reason' you are more likely to let action pass you by - whereas in fact if you have these factors working against you it means you just have to put extra effort in!

Everyone has different challenges, but they make success all the sweeter! Cultivating a 'can-do' attitude is the first step to lasting success. Nothing worth achieving is ever easy and there are usually sacrifices or compromises to be made.

Next time you are trying to justify that piece of cake, or not taking some exercise, listen to what you are saying to yourself. The idea that 'I deserve it' can be very destructive - we really deserve to treat ourselves well and be healthy! Ask yourself if you are giving a valid reason or if it is just an excuse - you can usually tell because excuses tend to sound feeble when you listen to them properly! Imagine there is another person in the conversation (such as a Personal Trainer) and that you are explaining yourself to them.

Every time you hear an excuse forming in your mind, stop it in its tracks and even take the mickey out of it - as if you are listening to someone moaning about something you have no time or sympathy for (even pull a face as you do so - it helps!). This will help you see your 'excuses' as feeble and immediately cause you to shift your mindset and approach to life to a more positive 'I can do it' attitude!