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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lose Stomach Fat - 3 Important Tips

So you have been doing sit-ups and crunches for some time now and you still have not lost the weight around your mid section. You may even have gone on some ridiculous starvation diet to shed the spare tire to no avail. How can you lose that persistent stomach fat?

De-stress yourself. You got it, stress is one of the leading causes of retaining stomach fat. When you are under stress your body produces cortisol which acts as a fat building stimulus. Learning how to decompress after a hard day will alleviate the production of cortisol and melt away the unwanted fat.

One of the best ways to de-stress your body is through exercise. Exercise will release the tension that has built up in your body throughout the day. All it really takes is a short walk to burn off that tension. If you live near a gym, consider a membership. You do not have to go seven days a week, but for effectiveness you should go at least three times a week.

Drink plenty of water. Water will help fill you up and flush out your body. Drinking pineapple juice will also help regulate water retention. This natural diuretic is a great source of vitamins too.

Get plenty of protein in your diet. Protein has staying power, in other words you will feel fuller longer. Eating lean red meats and skinless boneless chicken will give you the protein you need without the added fat.

Do not skip meals. That is quite possibly the worst thing you can do to your body. Remember, your body has a self preservation mode that will kick in when it thinks it is not getting enough nutrients. This mode will in fact make you gain more weight when you do eat because it thinks it is starving and it needs to preserve itself to keep your organs functioning.

Remember the episode of Seinfeld when Elaine wanted the big salad? Well, think big salad. Create a salad of dark green leafy veggies, broccoli and skinless boneless chicken cut into bite sized pieces. Instead of using salad dressing, use olive oil. This alternative is healthy and provides nutrition for your body. You can even add a bit of flaxseed for fiber and flavor. This nutty tasting seed will help in removing waste from your body.

Three things need to be kept in mind when you want to lose stomach fat: de-stress yourself, exercise and eat healthy and in moderation. Combine these three factors and you will lose the stomach fat in no time.