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Thursday, July 24, 2008

How to Lose Fat - 4 Simple Steps to Fast Fat Loss

I'm sure you want to lose fat as quickly and easily as possible. I am going to show you a simple program that you can start using today. Follow these 4 steps and get ready to start losing the fat.

Step 1 - Food Quality

For really easy fat loss, that will virtually work for you on autopilot, all you need to do is eat high quality food. If you provide your body with high nutritional value food it will be satisfied quicker and with less food needed. You get hungry because you body needs certain nutrients to keep you healthy, if you only eat bad processed junk food that contains hardly any nutritional value, then your body will not get the nutrients it needs. It will keep you hungry until it is provided with the food it wants. This will cause you to eat more and more high calorie junk food, making fat loss practically impossible. However, if you only eat good quality food that contains all the nutrients you body needs, it will only take a small amount of food and calories to satisfy you body.

Step 2 - Food Quantity

Even the most healthy food can make you fat if you eat too much of it. If you want to lose fat you must have a calorie deficit. You must eat less calories than you usually eat to stimulate fat loss. Although, decreasing the number of calories by a big amount will not work because your body will think you are starving and will try to keep it's fat storage for energy. Only decrease your calories by a maximum of 500 a day, or else your body will perceive it as a threat.

Step 3 - Resistance Training

Use weight training to build up you muscle and strength. Don't worry, you won't get big and bulky unless you eat more calories than your body needs. Also it takes years for body builders to get as big as they are and most use steroids anyway. The weight training you do will replace you fat with muscle. Your metabolism will increase and will be elevated for up to 48 hours after each workout. Muscle is metabolically active tissue and the more you have the more calories you will burn. Building muscle is the easiest way to automatically burn extra calories throughout the day. Aim to workout your whole body each week, split the workout into 3 days a week, for example do your legs on Monday and your back, biceps on Wednesday, etc.

Step 4 - Cardio

Cardio is the best way to burn fat straight off your body. The best time to do it is in the morning on an empty stomach. This will make sure your body uses fat instead of you glucose stores. You will have been asleep and without food for 8 hours making your glucose store very low. This will mean that your body will have to get it's energy from your fat instead.