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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Are You Still Taking Hoodia? Don't Get Left Behind!

Still taking Hoodia? Think twice! There are many people now shifting to another similar plant that is working wonders. This plant is Caralluma Fimbriata - a succulent plant that belongs to the cactus family and grows in the wild in India. Caralluma is used by many tribal people in India during the times of famine and food scarcity as famine food and also to increase endurance. In day-to-day lives Caralluma is used as a vegetable, eaten raw and pickled.

Hoodia was seen as one of the marvels of nature and this desert cactus found in Kalahari desert in South Africa received global attention as the next best thing in the weight loss industry. Where Hoodia fell apart was the fact that pure Hoodia is extremely difficult to get. Hoodia has over 90 glycosides and only one among these 90 odd glycosides are effective as an appetite suppressant and weight loss supplement. Difficulties in isolating the pure form led to the influx of impure and spurious Hoodia in the market and gradually many people have begun to lose faith in it. Poor Hoodia, for no fault of its own, this wonderful natural remedy is now lying horribly exposed.

Hoodia works by suppressing appetite at the level of the central nervous system in the Hypothalamus. It tricks the brain into believing that the body is full. This results in less calorie intake and thus weight loss. Hoodia is all-natural and as such does not stimulate the brain. Caralluma fimbriata is also similar in its action though its action at the level of the hypothalamus in the brain is only a minor one. The vast majority of its action seems to come from its ability to inhibit the enzymes involved in fat metabolism and prevent the accumulation of fat. This results in the body burning away stored fat for energy and thus weight loss is achieved. Caralluma also improves energy levels, quenches thirst and reduces blood sugar levels.

One major difference between Hoodia and Caralluma is the ability of Caralluma to actually help achieve loss in inches around the abdomen and waist. To many people losing weight is not only about losing pounds and kilos but also losing it in inches! Caralluma helps achieve this and not Hoodia.

Did I forget about safety? Caralluma has been extensively studied and found to be safe for human consumption with no adverse effects. The only side effect is that you will not feel hungry!!