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Saturday, August 15, 2009

2 Quick Weight Loss Tips For Overweight Women

Most women wish that losing weight were as easy as gaining it. We gain that extra weight if we consume more calories than we need and in order to lose the extra weight, we need to burn more calories than we consume.

That sound so simple but when it comes to putting it into action, it becomes a lot difficult.

That is why in this article, I am going to share with you 2 tips for quick weight loss.

Tip #1:

A hundred mile walk has to begin with a single step and this is your first step to losing weight. This one might seem very difficult, but in reality, it isn't so. You will have cut off the source of those extra calories that you are gaining and for that you need to stop drinking sodas and other carbonated drinks like cola, beer etc.

You have no idea what they can do and how big a difference it makes when you stop them. This is definitely easier than all that dieting stuff you are asked to do.

Tip #2:

Men usually don't expect that their wives to be muscular; but they just want them to be slim. You don't have to do all those tough body building exercises or spend half your day in the gym. All you need to do is spend half an hour walking on an inclined treadmill everyday and that's the only exercise you need to do.

It isn't very simple but as the saying goes, no pains no gains. With this you'll be burning those extra calories you have gained and stored in the past.

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