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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Quick and Easy Way to Lose 3 Pounds!

WANTED: Quick and easy way to lose 3 pounds. I'm going to show you how to BYPASS the typical weight loss garbage you're use to hearing. People try to make weight loss look complicated. It's not.

Quick and Easy Way to Lose 3 Pound...

Lose water weight by tricking your body.

This is the first and probably the easiest way to lose 3 pounds. You're carrying around too much water weight. How do I know this? Because most overweight people are. How much water weight are you retaining? Most likely, plenty more than 3 pounds. Probably closer to 8 pounds.

How do you get rid of this retained water?

It's a paradox, but you drink MORE water. The reasoning as to why... long ago our ancestors had problems finding water to drink. It was scarce. The people that survived had superior bodily survival instincts. What that means... the people that survived were the ones who retained the most water.

That was good then, BUT NOW IT'S BAD since we don't have a scarce water problem.

So by drinking more water, you signal to your body that water isn't scarce and the body doesn't need to carry the extra water. Simple enough, yeah? So all you have to do is drink more water. How much more? I don't know exactly but I can tell you to watch the color of your urine. Drink more and more water until your urine is almost perfectly clear (like water).

The more clear and less yellow it is, the better. Don't start paying attention to the color of your urine until at least 3 hours after you've woken up since the first time you pee in the morning the urine tends to be more yellow due to not drinking any water while you slept.

Try this quick and easy way to lose 3 pounds if you're in desperate need to get that scale moving downwards!

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