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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Both regular exercise and eating right is required to get rid of stomach fat. Stomach fat is stored fat and won't come off easily. There isn't a quick fix for it. It took a long time to build up and will take steady, regular efforts to get it off.

Start working off that belly fat with a regular routine of the two steps listed below.

Step 1 - Diet

Everybody knew this was coming, but if you have a fat stomach you must start a healthy, lean diet that will let you store your fat in a way that will not cause that build up around the middle.

You have probably tried to lose weight before with nearly every diet book and program ever put out. You need to go through these and find one you think you can stick with. Not a lose weight fast diet but a diet that is healthy and one that you can live with.

A diet that promises quick weight loss usually involves giving up most of the food that you love. You will probably never stick with that for very long. Who wants to go forever without cake, or ice cream, or donuts, or fat, juicy hamburgers?

You need to choose a sensible diet, a livable diet. One that allows you to eat the things you love but is more concerned with portion size. If you cut down your portion size and use your sweets as a reward or special treat instead of as an every couple of hours fix, then you will start to lose weight and fat naturally.

Step 2 - Exercise

Another dreaded word for some people. Exercise works hand in hand with dieting to get rid of belly fat. Just going for a walk or riding a bike will help if you do it regularly. If you are really into exercise, maybe you have a gym membership, then the best thing for getting rid of stomach fat is a combination of regular aerobic exercise and weight lifting.

Your stomach fat will not magically disappear after exercising for a couple of weeks. The more muscle you build, the more fat you will lose. You need to have a regular program that will slowly begin, with the help of a healthy diet, knocking off that belly fat.

In order to get rid of the belly fat you need to be consistent with exercising regularly and eating right. Once it becomes a habit you will really be on the road to losing that stomach.
