Beach Body Abs in 90 Days
Everyone wants to see results fast when it comes to their body. People will run more, lift weights more, and spend more time at the gym if it means that they will see faster results. More time at the gym however will not guarantee fast results. You get faster results by working out smarter so it is very possible to get fast results with only 20 minute workouts. If you do not have the time to put in an hour at the gym everyday then it is advised to use super set workouts and interval training as your primary method of getting into shape.
Super set workouts are two exercises done back to back without any rest. For example, you could do a lower body exercise then an upper body exercise back to back, rest one minute, then repeat. All you need to do is set up 2 more super sets like this one for a total of 3 super sets. A complete strength training workout will only take you 20 minutes using this method. The best thing about using super sets is that you only need to train 3 times a week to see amazing results.
Interval training is another workout method that can give you results in as little time as possible. Interval training is not like your typical cardio session. Your typical cardio session only helps you burn calories for however long your session is. So if your session is 20 minutes you only burn calories for those 20 minutes. Interval training however helps you burn calories for up to 12 hours after your workout. So you can be sure that your metabolism will be working on high gear throughout the day.
As you can see, super set exercises and intervals can be very beneficial to your weight loss journey. By implementing both of these strategies to your workout program you can see amazing results in as little as 90 days.
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